District At A Glance
General information about Oregon City School District.
Academic Achievement
Guiding Principles
School Board
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Oregon City, 位于俄勒冈州西北部威拉米特河和克拉克马斯河的交汇处, is the oldest incorporated city west of the Rockies. Established in 1829, Oregon City incorporated in 1844, and became the capitol of the Oregon Territory in 1849. The city is rich in historical homes and buildings, 并设有几个专门庆祝拓荒者精神的解说中心和博物馆.
With high expectations, 我们让所有学生参与有意义的学习活动,为他们成功的生活做好准备.
In our ideal future, 俄勒冈市学区是一个真正伟大的学习者社区,学生们在这里真诚地学习, meaningful learning. 每个学生都有一个教育计划,以及追求他们的教育目标的工具和支持. All students are engaged in fulfilling, 由每个学生的教育计划驱动的强大的学习活动. Partnerships within the local, national, 全球社区为学生提供丰富的教育和生活经验. 所有学生都参与促进尊重的社区伙伴关系, honesty, service, and learning. 各种各样的扩展学习机会确保全面的教育,为每个学生的成功做好准备. 该地区的特点是严格追求和确保额外的资金,以支持学生的学习.
Guiding Principles
With high expectations, 我们让所有学生参与有意义的学习活动,为他们成功的生活做好准备.
We hold high expectations for ourselves and others.
We all learn in different ways.
Each student needs to experience success.
Positive relationships yield positive results.
Schools, families, and the community are interdependent.
当我们以尊重的态度行事时,我们创造了积极的工作和学习环境, integrity, honesty, and responsibility
School Board
俄勒冈市学区的董事会由七名公众选举产生的社区成员组成,任期四年. The Board members are elected at large. In addition, 三个优惠成员提供执行局与其各自组织之间的lovebet爱博体育app. 这些都是无投票权的职位,任期为一年. 学生委员是通过高中学生团体选举程序选出来的. 持牌员工和分类员工的代表由其代表组织选出. The School Board sets district policy to help the district achieve the goal of success for all students; remain compliant with federal, state and local laws; and to maintain fiscal responsibility. 学校董事会也雇佣和监督督学, 谁的工作是管理学区的日常运作,并为教师和行政人员提供教育领导和愿景.
Academic Achievement
Oregon City High School: A Leader in College Prep
俄勒冈城市高中提供31门课程,允许学生通过与克拉克马斯社区学院的协议获得大学学分. 完整的课程菜单包括语言艺术课程, fine and performing arts, business, social studies, professional technical, and foreign language.
In addition to the Advanced College Credit program, 俄勒冈市高中提供12门大学先修课程. 大学先修课程是一个严格的学术课程,课程符合大学水平的标准. 大学先修课程考试是大学先修课程的重要组成部分. 大多数大学授予得分为3分的学生大学学分, 4, or 5 on their Advanced Placement tests.
With the high cost of college tuition, 在俄勒冈市高中获得的大学学分可以成为家庭降低大学教育成本的好方法. With the Advanced College Credit and AP options, 近年来,一些俄勒冈市高中的学生在毕业前已经获得了超过一年的大学学分
Number of Students Per School
Beavercreek: 470
Candy Lane (Todos Unidos): 376
Gaffney Lane: 450
Holcomb: 530
McLoughlin: 619
Redland: 499
Gardiner: 672
Tumwata: 659
OCHS: 1,923
OCSLA: 111
CAIS: 368
Enrollment data from 2022-2023
俄勒冈市学校雇佣了900多名敬业的员工. Our staff have advanced certifications, 学位和所有人都对教育和合作充满热情.
以下教师和管理人员拥有国家委员会认证, 博士学位或具有同等高级职称.
Ashby, Shannon
Bernard, Gretchen
Blanchard, Michelle
Butler, Danielle
Chapman, Jennifer
Coupe, Brandon
Crutcher, Jennifer
Dawson, Elsa
Deboy, Sara
Decker, Mary Ann
Eby, Andrew
Ekeren, Laurie
Engstrom, Rachel
Erickson, Stacy
Figgins, Teresa
Hedeen, Chris
Hedeen, Kathryn
Henry, Valerie
Kates, Ben
Kline, Edward
Kobor, Kathleen
Longfellow, Dean
Nordstrom, Lisa
Ota, Stephanie
Pilorget, Sara
Smith, Tonya
Sorensen, Hannah
Spitzer, Dayle
Treadwell, Adrienne
Trombetta, Laura
Varner, Catherine
White, Kris
Willis, Aaron
Wolf, Slade
Yotsuya, Melissa
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
《lovebet爱博电竞》(FERPA)是一项联邦法律,它赋予父母查阅子女教育记录的权利, the right to seek to have the records amended, 以及对教育记录中个人身份信息的披露有一定控制权的权利. When a student turns 18 years old, or enters a postsecondary institution at any age, FERPA下的权利从家长转移给学生(“合资格学生”). The FERPA statute is found at 20 U.S.C. §1232g和FERPA法规见34 CFR Part 99.
For additional information, you can visit the FERPA website or call 1-800-872-5327.
Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. 教育部,400马里兰大道,西南华盛顿特区.C. 20202-8520
Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
学生权利保护修正案(PPRA)学生权利保护修正案(PPRA) (20 U.S.C. § 1232h; 34 CFR Part 98) applies to programs that receive funding from the U.S. Department of Education (ED). PPRA旨在保护家长和学生的权利.
For additional information call 1-202-260-3887.
Family Policy Compliance Office U.S. 教育部400马里兰大道,西南华盛顿,D.C. 20202-592
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